
Baby-growing update

Kathy has complained that I’ve written 22 blog posts since my last baby-related one (back in January), so I’m attempting to redress the balance. Football has been rather distracting…

I’m sure that you’ll know that the Baby Production Unit (Kathy) & I are currently engaged in a Baby-growing project. The milestone for the first public release of Baby has been set as June 8th by our Midwifery Contract Partner.

Anyone fleet of mental foot will work out that this means we have two weeks and two days to go. Anyone knowledgable in the ways of Baby Production will know that babies rarely turn up on time (only 5% arrive on their due date).

We’ve booked a birthing pool, and we’re collecting it from Bristol on Wednesday (in our existing car, unfortunately, as our MEW hasn’t completed yet). We also spent some not-inconsiderable dosh at Born on Saturday, but as yet we do not have a buggy or car seat, two of the most expensive items on the shopping list of any parents-to-be. Thankfully we have been offered an uncrashed car seat on loan, and we’re investigating the possibility of purchasing a second-hand buggy from friends at church.

That’s enough about the “stuff”. What about Kathy? I have to say that this pregnancy has been kind to her: she positively glows with femininity and impending motherhood, and much of the discomfort experienced by others in our NCT group (breathlessness, sickness etc) has passed Kathy by. She gets occasional heartburn but, because she’s so tall, the baby hasn’t squished her insides as much as some mothers'.

What about me? We watched a waterbirth video last night, and I wasn’t as squeamish as I thought I would be (I was even eating at the time!). I do hope that the actual birth, rather than just labour, will take place in water as the baby has more chance of emerging cleaned of goo! It will be Kathy, though, who will have to make that decision at the time, depending on how she’s feeling and how the labour is going.

I’m getting quite excited now. The redecoration of the spare room (not nursery) continues apace (though I wish we’d had the time and inclination to use lining paper - never mind) and it may turn into our “zeitgeist room”: the walls are a slightly pinkish mushroom colour, and we’re looking at getting a brown sofabed and curtains. You can’t resist a meme forever.