
Fads, or not?

I’ve got accounts at Flickr, Del.icio.us, 43 Things, Technorati, GMail and Basecamp [1]. I use Flickr and Del.icio.us regularly, and I’m really getting into 43 Things.

My recent change of blog platform has hobbled me somewhat, though, because Flickr and 43 Things will both act as clients for various blogging platforms (just not Textpattern, at least without some hackery); thus, when you post to either service, the post will also show up on your blog.

So, I’m looking forward to adding XML-RPC support to Textpattern so that I can do the above things.

Update: There’s an experimental XML-RPC implementation available from Pixel Meadow.

I’d also like to be able to post photos to Flickr via MMS, but that costs money, so I’ll hold off on that for now.

My main point, though: will I be using these things in four years’ time, like I’m still blogging four and a half years after I started? Or are they just fads?

What are all these things of which you speak?

  1. Flickr is a fantastic photo-sharing web site with great community features.
  2. Del.icio.us is a social bookmarks manager. Keep your bookmarks online, access them from anywhere, see what other people bookmark too when they add the same URL as you.
  3. 43 Things is somewhere to keep your New Year’s Resolutions :) Seriously: it’s a place to add goals, updates on your progress, meet others with the same goals and share tips etc.
  4. GMail is Google’s webmail service
  5. Basecamp is 37 Signals’ web-based project management tool.