
More Jerry Springer

The blogosphere is hotting up in the wake of the Jerry Springer — The Opera "scandal" — mostly free-speech advocates equating Christian=Right Wing Nutjob and not-outraged Christians actually looking beyond the swearing and so-called blasphemy to the message that was actually in the show.

Maggi Dawn goes into the issue in some length, but here’s a snippet. As usual, her blog is well worth a read.

The tragedy the opera highlights is the moral vacuity of a society that in the end, does nothing much more than "Eat, excrete and watch TV", and looks to celebrities for their hope and inspiration. Rather than an offence against God, I thnk it’s a strong statement against a Godless, individualistic, celebrity-obsessed society.

To any non-Christians stopping by (especially of the free speech / anti-censorship persuasion): please remember that Christian Voice don’t speak for all of us. Thanks.